No. 8 - David Letterman's joke about Sarah Palin's daughter. This carried a lot of weight in the celebrity news world for weeks, because Sarah Palin would not drop it and get on with her drama queen life. David Letterman finally relented and apologized, but it's obvious he did so to avoid losing more fans. If Sarah Palin actually thought that Letterman's apology was sincere and from the heart, she's dumber than her hairdo looks. What's the point of an apology if you must nag, nag, nag, nag and demand, demand, you can check here demand and demand it via media outlets? Letterman's apology was as fake as Palin's never-ending smile during her GOP speech.

We'll head north, stopping on Stearns Wharf in Santa Barbara, with our destination San Luis Obispo, where we'll be staying at the Madonna Inn. The friend of my wife swooned when she heard we stayed there although I have never heard of the Madonna Inn, so I guess it's pretty special. I'll let you know.
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